Competency of extension agents on climate smart agricultural initiatives in South Western Nigeria
The effect of climate change has posed a great challenge to the survival of the human race and agriculture and the competence of extension agents in the effective dissemination of climate smart agricultural initiatives (CSAI) is urgently needed in the study area for an effective climate change service delivery, which led to this study. The study examines the competency of extension agents on CSAI in South Western Nigeria. The study also specifically describes the socio-economic characteristics of the extension agents, identifies the sources of information used by the extension agents, examines their knowledge level on CSAI, determines their involvement in the dissemination of these initiatives, examines the competency level of extension agents, determines the competency need of the extension agents and also identifies constraints to the acquisition of needed competencies on CSAI
A two (2) stage sampling procedure was employed in the selection of the extension agents in the study. Firstly, a random selection of three (3) states in the zone where extension activities were prominent based on the information obtained from the various states ADPs was utilized. The selected states were Oyo, Ekiti and Ondo. The second stage was a random selection of extension agents in the three states through the utilization of the Raosoft sample size calculator and the total number of respondents sampled for the study was two hundred and seventy seven (277) extension agents. A structured questionnaire consisting of eight sections was used to elicit information from the extension agents. Descriptive. statistics (frequency counts, percentages, means and ranks) and inferential statistics (Tobit regression and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were used to analyse the data.
The findings revealed that extension agents in the study area exhibited low level of knowledge on several of the initiatives and their low level of knowledge also translated to their low level of competency on majority of the CSAI The results on the competency needs of extension agents on CSAI after the use of Borich Needs assessment model revealed that extension agents across the study area needed training in their competency level. The most prominent areas of competency/ training needs are on water management initiatives, Tillage smart practices, Fossil reduction practices and Soil management practices and they indicated severe constraints militating against their effective acquisition of needed competencies on CSAI. Tobit regression model revealed that educational qualification, participation in climate smart agricultural training, years of experience, job level, community covered, living in job location, knowledge, importance and involvement in climate smart initiatives dissemination significantly influence extension agents' competency level on CSAl Confirmatory factor analysis of the result of the correlated exogenous constructs of competency revealed a significant and positive correlation between the construct of extension agents' competence and the component of their knowledge, involvement and importance. The study concluded that the competency level of the extension agents was found to be very low in several of the CSAI and competency was needed in twelve (12) major areas. It was recommended that extension organizations should develop the capacity of the extension agents in the areas of priority needs on climate smart agricultural initiatives identified through trainings that are majorly focused on climate change adaptation and mitigation practices.