Analysis of extension needs of commercial farmers in North-West Province, South Africa
The study examines the impact of extension needs of commercial farmers in the North West province. Extension need is one of the most important rural development investment strategies that can have both direct and indirect impact on commercial farming. The sampling frame of the study consists of 88 farmers and a sample of 32 farmers was selected for the study. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire which was subject to analysis using SPSS. Frequency counts and percentages were used to describe demographic
characteristics, multiple regression was used to analyze information needs and commercial farmers socio-economic characteristics. The results of multiple regression analysis show that the significant determinants of commercial farmers information needs were attitude to public extension (t = 2.84,); Marital status (t = -4.00); Educational level (t = 2.107) membership of farmers groups (t = 2.168,) and Extension contacts (t = 1.78).