Voortgesette teologiese opleiding as instrument vir AGS-Pastors om onrealistiese rolverwagtinge te bestuur
In 2008, the Apostolic Faith Mission Church (hereafter AFM) celebrated its centenary. This article will consider the development of the various role expectations of pastors and how these expectations gradually influenced them. Research will indicate whether the role expectations of the pastors are unrealistic. Furthermore it will be noted whether these facts contribute to the ineffective functioning of pastors and as an obstacle or challenge towards continued theological training. These issues will be addressed and challenged towards a more effective functioning of pastors. Questions arising from the article include the following: What can be done to address these unrealistic role expectations? Can continued theological training help pastors to function more effectively within these respective role expectations? Proposals and guidelines presented to the role players in the AFM could, through continued theological training, help to better equip pastors for the various role expectations within which they have to function.
- Faculty of Theology [980]