Browsing Education by Author "Schutte, B.C."
Now showing items 1-20 of 43
Aspekte van die onderwysontwikkeling in Suidwes–Afrika, 1915–1960
Van Wyk, Jacobus Theodorus (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1965) -
Die betekenis van die skool as ontsluitingsmag na Christelike beskawingsvolwassenheid
Claassen, Johannes Theodorus (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1974)First of all an account had to be given of the religious, respectively philosophical presumptions as this thesis is meant to be a principial educational reflection on the significance of the school as a power which "opens-up" ... -
Die dosering van biologie in Skriflig aan die sekondêre skool
Venter, Jan Adriaan (North-West University (South Africa)., 1979)The idea often prevails that in educating the child (generally) norms, faith and religion may play a role, but when it comes to teaching a science, especially one of the natural sciences, reason should take over. This ... -
Die leergang vir Noord-Sotho in die Transvaalse middelbare skool
Van der Merwe, Jan Hendrik (North-West University (South Africa)., 1969)"No abstract" -
Die onderrig van die letterkunde in die primêre skole in Suid-Afrika en verskeie ander lande
Neethling, Kobus (North-West University (South Africa)., 1976)"No abstract" -
Die ouer se plek en taak in die opvoeding en onderwys soos geïmplementeer in 'n tipies voorstedelike primêre skool in Transvaal
Schutte, B.C. (North-West University (South Africa)., 1973)Nobody can take the place of the parent as the principal educator. The school has always acted as supplementary educator of the child during school hours. Because the state has given more and more to the parent inter ... -
Die tekening in die biologie-onderrig aan die middelbare skool in Transvaal
Snyman, Philippus Johannes Nicolaas (North-West University (South Africa)., 1965)"No abstract" -
Eksistensieteologie en godsdiensonderrig
Van Wyk, Jan Hendrik (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1970)1. The problem: In order to be able to confront the modern child with a meaningful and intelligible interpretation of Holy Scripture, the teacher in religious education munt have a sound knowledge of contemporary issues ... -
Die empatie–beginsel in die opvoeding met besondere verwysing na die kuns
Van Jaarsveld, Andries Johannes (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1965) -
Enkele opvoedkundige aspekte van gesagstoepassing in Transvaalse Afrikaanse hoërskole
Boshoff, Willem Johannes (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1976)1. Reason for the investigation. Authority and responsibility go hand in glove. Senior executive posts carry heavy responsibilities, but arc vested with corresponding authority. The implementation of authority in Afrikaans ... -
Evolusie, skepping en christelik–nasionale onderwys
Van Niekerk, Willem (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1974) -
Geprogrammeerde onderrig : 'n beoordeling uit Christelik [Calvinisties]–opvoedkundige standpunt
Kroeze, Jan Cornelis Willem (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1968) -
Die gronde waarop sekere onderwysstelsels berus : 'n kritiese ontleding
Jooste, Stephanus Esias (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1971) -
Handelsonderwys : enkele implikasies daarvan vir die opvoeding van die meisie
Coetzee, Cornelius Johannes Stephanus (North-West University (South Africa)., 1975)"Abstract not copied" -
Handelsonderwys in die Departement van Bantoeonderwys
Rossouw, Jacob Eksteen (North-West University (South Africa)., 1969)"No abstract available" -
Het dramatiseren van Bijbelse geschiedenissen door jeugdigen : een pedagogisch–didactische bijdrage met bijzondere aandacht voor het schooldrama van de 16e eeuw
Rittersma, Zacharias (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1972)Dramatization is a form of acting in which the player experiences the dramatic scene in a state of great tension. It implies imitation, identification and speech in dialogue form. Many peoples knew from of old the combination ... -
Die historiese ontwikkeling van skoolgeneeskundige dienste in Transvaalse primêre skole vir Blankes
Bezuidenhout, Gysbertus Johannes Andries (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1980)During 1913 arrangements have been made for the hygienic inspection of school children in primary schools, in Transvaal, Dr C. L. Leipoldt was appointed. Medical inspection started in April, 1914, and discontinued, owing ... -
Houdingsverandering na geprogrammeerde onderrig soos bepaal deur 'n houdingskaal : 'n empiriese studie
Kruger, Jan Hendrik (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1971)It has been accepted thus far that programmed instruction is particularly suitable for the transfer of ready knowledge, as an aid to memorisation and for perceptional enrichment. On the whole, consideration has not been ... -
Huidige probleme van die onderwys en opvoeding van die verstandelik begaafde kind in die juniorafdelings van veertien Afrikaanse laerskole in die Vaaldriehoek en die implementering van 'n moontlike oplossing
Schroeder, Herman Frederik (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1974)Educationists have often stressed the need for sound means or education and efficient programmes for teaching the bright and mentally girted. Through the ages men or superior intelligence have been the leaders in the ... -
Implementering van Christelik–nasionale onderwysbeginsels in Suid–Afrika na aanleiding van Wette 39/67 en 73/69
Du Plessis, Sarel Jacob (Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1974)Afrikaans-speaking people often claim that the education in South Africa is Christian national or Christian and national. Christian national inclined parents are entitled to complete Christian national education for their ...