Browsing Education by Title
Now showing items 1074-1093 of 1692
'n Objektiewe studie van die algemene kennis vraestel deel van die std. VI–beurseksamen, 1935
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1938) -
Onderhoudvaardighede by beroepsleiding aan skoolverlaters
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1985)Perception and inquiries have revealed that not all vocational guidance teachers possess the necessary interviewing skills. The aim of the research was to identify generally applicable interviewing skills, as well as those ... -
Die onderrig van geloofsleer in die Christelik–Afrikaanse sekondêre skool
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1974)The revival of Christian religion has once again placed the focus on man's faith and thus also on the teaching of Christian Faith at school, so that Christian Faith can appeal to the pupil anew. The teaching of Christian ... -
Die onderrig van Scratch met die oog op die aanleer van Delphi as objekgeoriënteerde programmeertaal
(2014)Volgens die Kurrikulum- en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring moet Inligtingstegnologie-leerders in graad 10 aanvangsonderrig in Scratch as programmeertaal ontvang en in graad 11 na Delphi of Java as programmeertaal oorskakel. In ... -
Die onderrig van stillees aan die primêre skool, met spesiale verwysing na die onderrig van begripslees : 'n eksperimenteel–opvoedkundige studie
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1955) -
'n Onderrigmodel vir die aanwending van tegnologie by die implementering van aksieleer in die vak inligtingstelsels
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2002)In this study, the integration of technology in education and the application of action learning as a teaching strategy, are investigated through a literature study and with empirical research. The purpose is to develop a ... -
'n Onderrigmodel vir die ontwikkeling van onderwysstudente in besigheidstudies se hoërorde kognitiewe vaardighede
(North-West University, 2013)With the introduction of outcomes-based education (OBE) in South Africa the role of teachers and learners in the teaching and learning process had to change. Teachers had to adopt a facilitation role and learners had to ... -
'n Onderrigraamwerk om werktoegangvaardighede by rekenaartoepassingstegnologie-leerders te verbeter
(2011)Insufficiency in literacy is seen as a worldwide problem. The scope of the problem is confirmed by the fact that the United Nations declared the years 2003–2012 as International Literacy Decade. Literacy is seen as a ... -
Onderrigstrategieë ter verbetering van die houding van leerlinge teenoor Afrikaans as skoolvak
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1992)Scientific research aims mainly at uncovering the true essentials of research objects, while simultaneously seeking findings and results that are true to reality. This study addresses the questionable attitude of school ... -
'n Ondersoek na die amalgamering van skole in die RSA
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1999)Rationalisation, because of a lack of governmental funds, has become part of the education system of the RSA. In schools it implies that teaching posts are being reduced and that more emphasis is placed on the optimum ... -
Ondersoek na die faktore wat beoogde graadstudie in die fisiese natuurwetenskappe bepaal by 'n bepaalde groep leerlinge
(North-West University (South Africa)., 1978)"No abstract" -
'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat Transvaalse matriekseuns beïnvloed by die keuse van die onderwys as loopbaan
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1978) -
'n Ondersoek na die faktore wat vakkeuse van leerlinge aan die einde van standerd agt aan 'n bepaalde skool beïnvloed
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1973)The main objective of this research is to discover the factors influencing pupils at a specific school in their choice of subjects, and to ascertain as far as possible the effect of the various factors. A questionnaire ... -
'n Ondersoek na die gebruik van wiskundewoordeskat en metakognitiewe strategieë tydens probleemoplossing by graad 7–leerders
(2014)Some learners in South Africa perform poorly in school, especially in Mathematics. In 2010 the Department of Basic Education announced their concern regarding the pass rate. The National Education Department circulated a ... -
'n Ondersoek na die huidige spelstandaard in die moedertaal van 'n groep Afrikaanse laerskoolkinders aan die Witwatersrand
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1958)No abstract available -
'n Ondersoek na die implementering van leerderondersteuning in landelike laerskole
(North-West University, 2012)The purpose of this study was to determine how learner support has been implemented in rural, historically coloured, Afrikaans primary schools in a part of the Northern Cape, in particular with regard to what teachers, ... -
'n Ondersoek na die invloed van die voorligtingsdienste op die studierigting van studente aan die Afrikaanse hoër onderwysinrigtings in Transvaal
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1971) -
'n Ondersoek na die onderrig van rekenkunde in die laerskool met verwysing na die begaafde leerlinge en na die nuwe benadering in rekenkundeonderrig
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1968)Every individual has his own interpretation of the facts and the aims envisaged in education. This interpretation is closely related to his own view of life and consequently it was considered necessary to state right at ... -
'n Ondersoek na die onderwys van immigrantekinders in 'n nywerheidsgroeipunt van die R.S.A.
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1975)1. Introduction - This is a brief account of the education of immigrants at schools within an industrial growth point in the R.S.A. It comprises problems encountered in schools locally, the education of immigrants in ... -
'n Ondersoek na die rol van leerderaktiwiteite in opvoeding vir volhoubare lewe
(North-West University, 2008)Environmental Education is widely considered to be indispensable for realizing behaviour which supports sustainable life. Several international declarations and South African policy documents plead for the inclusion of ...