Browsing Education by Title
Now showing items 858-877 of 1692
Job stress in management personnel in secondary schools : an educational–psychological investigation
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000)The aims of this study were to determine: • The nature of job stress. • Factors causing job stress in management personnel. • The perceived severity or intensity of job stress in management personnel in secondary schools. ... -
A juridical foundation for accountability to enhance the security of the Higher Education lecturer in South Africa
(2015)The widening of access to Higher Education (HE) with a concomitant call for more accountability in the HE sector locally and globally, has altered the former elitist status of the university and impacted the professional ... -
A juridical-psychological perspective: Teacher sport-coaches' perceptions of emotional abuse in school sport coaching
(North-West University (South Africa), 2019)This qualitative study explored and described teacher sport-coaches' perceptions of emotional abuse in school sport coaching. The aims of the study were to: (i) explore and describe emotional abuse in school sport coaching ... -
'n Karakterbouprogram vir verdere onderwys en opleidingskolleges
(North-West University, 2007)Value and character education possess the inherent building blocks for the preservation of a healthy society. It is the art of life that keeps the environment friendly, free and safe allowing earth's inhabitants to play, ... -
Kennis, oortuigings en klaskamerpraktyke van VOO wiskunde-onderwysers met betrekking tot meetkunde-onderrig
(2016)Since 2014 the Grade 12 learners are once again being examined on Euclidean geometry. This means that teachers must teach Euclidean geometry again as part of the core Mathematics curriculum. The purpose of this study was ... -
Die keuse van 'n taal van leer en onderrig in die verdere en hoër onderwys in Suid-Gauteng
(North-West University, 2006)The research problem addressed in this study, is the tendency, of especially African Language speakers, to reject the mother-tongue as a language of learning and teaching (LoLT) in favour of English in the Further and ... -
Kindertuinonderwys in Kaapland, met besondere verwysing na Noord–Kaapland
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1966) -
Klasbesoek as middel tot personeelontwikkeling as taak van die hoof in die primêre skool
(1989)This study was undertaken with the purpose of fixing the attention, especially that of headmasters, on the importance of class visitation. The emphasis is on class visitation as a means of staff development, being ... -
Klasbesoek as wyse van personeelontwikkeling
(1987)This study is concerned with the following two questions namely: * What is understood by classroom visitation as a means of staff development? * How should the principal implement classroom visitation as a means of ... -
Klasklimaat by Bybelonderrig in sekondêre skole
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1995)This study is scientifically aimed at the problematic question of the present situation regarding the climate in the Bible Education classroom in secondary schools. A possible cause of the problems experienced with Bible ... -
Knelpunte rondom godsdiensonderrigaangeleenthede in Transvaalse skole, prinsipieel gesien
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1981)This study has been an attempt to identify the most important problems associated with Religious instruction and other religious matters in white schools in the Transvaal. The crux of the matter is that children with ... -
Knowledge and identities: the relation between professional identities and PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge)
(North-West University, 2018)This study lies at the interface of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and their professional identities. The aim of this qualitative, multiple case study is to shed light on the professional identities of five ... -
Kognitiewe en metakognitiewe strategieë en vaardighede van graad 8-skaakspelers in die wiskundige probleemoplossingsproses
(2015)This research study explored how cognitive and metacognitive strategies and skills, both present in Mathematics and chess, play a role in the mathematical problem-solving process. I examined different cognitive and ... -
Kohesiemerkergebruik in die skryfwerk van Afrikaanssprekende graad 6- en graad 9-leerders
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)Ten spyte van die belangrike rol wat kohesiemerkers met betrekking tot die strukturering van tekste speel, is die gebruik daarvan nog nie in die skryfwerk van Afrikaanssprekende leerders in die intermediêre (graad 4-6) en ... -
Kommunikasie van die skoolhoof met die ouerhuis
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1991)This research is concerned with the following two questions, namely: • Are the means of communication, which principals of white secondary schools currently use when communicating with parents, sufficient in the changing ... -
Kommunikasievrees in kleurling sekondêre skole
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1999)In this study communication apprehension is right through indicated as an obstacle in the process of communication in the classroom and consequently also in the process of teaching and learning. Pupils that experience ... -
Kommunikasievrees onder swart onderwysstudente
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1994)The purposes of this study were to determine 1. the levels of communication apprehension in mother tongue and English experienced by black students at Mamokgalake Chuene College of Education whose native language is not ... -
Kommunikasievrees van hoërskoolleerlinge in 'n parallelmediumskool
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2000)This study was aimed at giving a scientific answer to the following problem questions, namely, what communication apprehension connotes: whether students in a parallel medium school suffer from communication apprehension; which ... -
'n Konseptuele model vir 'n bestuursinligtingstelsel vir 'n streekkantoor
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1989)In the research for this paper, which concerns a conceptual model for a management information system (MIS) for a regional office, it was found that the regional office could be seen as a typical mini organisation. The ... -
'n Konseptuele model vir 'n rekenaargebaseerde bestuursinligtingstelsel vir die topbestuur van 'n onderwyskollege
(Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 1990)The research for establishing a conceptual model for a computer-based management information system for the top management of a teachers' training college, is divided into four stages: In the first instance attention ...