A management strategy for dealing with HIV/AIDS at school
This study investigated the nature of a management strategy for the HIVIAIDS pandemic at schools, the effects of HIVIAIDS on the school system, and, on the basis of both the literature review and the empirical research, suggested a management strategy for dealing with the HIVIAIDS pandemic at schools. The literature review reveals that HIVIAIDS has the potential to affect schools through impacting on learners, educators, curriculum content, the school organization, control and planning of teaching and learning, and human, material, and financial resources for education. It also emerges from the literature review that the HIVIAIDS pandemic does not only affect learners and educators, but also attacks teaching and learning systems, and eventually impacts on the education system of the country. Demand for education drops, many educators become ill and die, and ultimately the tragedy caused by the loss of friends, family and educators grows. The literature review therefore highlights the necessity for schools to develop a management strategy to deal with the HIVIAIDS pandemic concertedly. This may not be a recipe for success, but without it, a school is much more likely to fail to function effectively and at the same time to lose educator human resources. A sound management strategy can serve as a framework for decisions and for securing support and approval of funds to help and support learners and educators infected with and affected by the HIVIAIDS pandemic. It can also provide a basis for more detailed planning to deal with the potential areas of the HIVIAIDS impact on learners, educators and the school systems in general. A satisfactory management strategy is realistic and allows school principals and their heads of 'departments to think strategically and act operationally. The management strategy of a school is guided by the principles that learners and educators with HIVIAIDS should be involved in all prevention, intervention and care strategies at school.
The empirical research reveals the respondents' perceptions of fundamental issues such as the main reason for the mortality and absenteeism rate among educators at their respective schools, as well as the experience of their duties.
This study recommends, on the basis of both the literature review and the empirical research, a management strategy that provides a strategic and operational framework for the prevention of the HIVIAIDS pandemic, guiding all stakeholders of the school, in HIVIAIDS prevention and in caring for and supporting victims effectively.
- Education [1692]