Browsing PER: 2004 Volume 7 No 1 by Title
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Die beperkings van regstellende gelykheid
(2004)This is a compact review and analysis of the state of equality law in South Africa . Specific reference is made to what has been called "remedial" or "restitutionary" equality. From the analysis it appears that current ... -
Die reg op regsverteenwoordiging tydens administratiewe verrigtinge
(2004)The question whether a person is entitled to legal representation is normally posed during disciplinary proceedings, but is also relevant to other types of administrative proceedings. No absolute right to legal representation ... -
Legislative and other measures taken by government to realise the right of children to shelter
(2004)The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa , 1996 entrenches numerous socio-economic rights. One of these socio-economic rights is contained in section 26 that grants everyone the right to have access to adequate ... -
Menswaardigheid na tien jaar van regstaatlikheid in Suid-Afrika
(2004)Human dignity has been the marrow of our Constitution and our constitutional state since 1994. The inherent dignity of man is also a key principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. The Kantian categorical ... -
Same-sex marriage in South Africa: the road ahead
(2004)In hierdie bydrae word die problematiek oor "huwelike" tussen persone van dieselfde geslag aan die orde gestel. 'n Oorsig word gebied oor die verskillende fasette van die debat en die argumente wat tipies daarin aangevoer ... -
The utilisation of the right of children to shelter to alleviate poverty in South Africa
(2004)Children being the most vulnerable members of society are the one's most affected by living in poverty. This unacceptable situation can inter alia be attributed to the disastrous effects of Apartheid. During this unfortunate ...