The alignment between spatial planning, transportation planning and environmental management within the new spatial systems in South Africa
The debate and discourse for the need to integrate spatial planning, transportation
planning and environmental management strategically, functionally and operationally
is ongoing since the early 1990s. This includes the articulation of the planning
instruments used by the professionals within these functional fields and the way
in which it is coordinated and applied as to enhance planning, development and
delivery in an integrated fashion.
With the approval of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA)
(Act 16 of 2013) and the SPLUMA Regulations (23 March, 2015), the last bastion
of spatial and statutory planning legislation reform from the previous political
dispensation within municipalities was transformed (RSA, 2013, 2015). Although
this process is still being concluded at provincial and municipal levels of government
by formulating its own new transformation structures, guidelines, policies and
regulations, the question remains as to whether the disjointedness in municipalities
and lack of alignment between spheres of government of the past will be addressed
efficiently and effectively on strategic, functional (planning) and operational levels
within the new policy and legislative provisions and frameworks underpinning
improved alignment processes within the new spatial systems in South Africa? Die debat en diskoers vir die behoefte om ruimtelike beplanning, vervoerbeplanning
en omgewingsbestuur strategies, funsioneel en operasioneel te integreer,
word reeds sedert die vroeë 1990’s gevoer. Dit sluit in die artikulasie van die
beplanningsinstrumente wat deur professionele persone wat in hierdie funksionele
velde werksaam is, gebruik word en in besonder die wyse waarop dit gebruik word
om beplanning en ontwikkeling op n geïntegreerde wyse te bevorder.
Met die afkondiging van die Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuurswet
(SPLUMA of RBGB) (Wet 16 van 2013) asook die Regulasies (23 Maart 2015) is
die laaste bastion van ruimtelike en statutêre beplanning in munisipaliteite wat uit
die vorige politieke bedelings dateer, getransformeer. Alhoewel die voltooing van
hierdie proses steeds binne die provinsiale en munisipale sfere van regering (wat
transformasie betref) in proses is wat riglyne, beleid en regulasies betref, is die vraag
of die ongekoördineerde belyning van die verlede uit ‘n strategiese, funksionele
(beplanning) en operasionele vlak nou meer doelmatig en effektief binne die nuwe
beleids- en wetgewende raamwerk en ondersteunende prosesse aangespreek
sal word?