Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Die vroegste Khoi-Afrikaans 

      Van Rensburg, Christo (Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2016)
      The earliest Khoi Afrikaans is a study about the variety Khoi Afrikaans as the first form of Afrikaans. A traditional view has it that Khoi influenced Afrikaans in some way or another. With Khoi Afrikaans as the original ...
    • Oor die eerste 50 jaar se maak aan Standaardafrikaans 

      Van Rensburg, Christo (Suid–afrikaanse Akad Vir Wetenskap En Kuns, Sekretaris, 2015)
      Creating a standardised version of Afrikaans – the first 50 years With Steyn’s 2014 publication We are going to make a language (Ons gaan ʼn taal maak) as stimulus, the beginning of organised writing of Standard Afrikaans ...