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dc.contributor.authorGreyling, Franci
dc.contributor.authorLotz, Colette
dc.identifier.citationGreyling, F. & Lotz, C. 2012. Interdissiplinêre samewerking in kreatiewe dissiplines: 'n prenteboekprojek tussen studente in Skryfkuns en Grafiese Ontwerp. Stilet: Tydskrif Vir Die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, 24(2):75-99. []en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article explores interdisciplinary collaboration as applied to teaching in creative disciplines with reference to a joint picture book project between second year students in Creative Writing and Graphic Design. Students in the creative disciplines must be prepared for a world in which interdisciplinary collaboration is of increasing importance. This implies that the knowledge and skills that students should be equipped with need to be reflected upon. Consequently there is a need for research in terms of interdisciplinary collaboration, teaching and research. Case studies concerned with interdisciplinary collaboration can contribute to enquiries into this field in order to establish guidelines, methodologies and techniques in terms of education and research. The structuring, organisation and execution of this project is an example of how a collaborative project might be executed in practice. Additionally narrative analyses of the Creative Writing students' project reports revealed how students experienced the project and collaboration as such.en_US
dc.publisherAfrikaanse Letterkundeverenigingen_US
dc.titleInterdissiplinêre samewerking in kreatiewe dissiplines: 'n prenteboekprojek tussen studente in Skryfkuns en Grafiese Ontwerpen_US
dc.contributor.researchID12187690 - Lotz, Colette

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