Anti-Afrophobia policy shortfall and dilemma in the New Partnership for Africa’s Development and South Africa
Since 1994, South Africa witnessed various xenophobic attacks, the two recent ones
leaving over 60 Africans dead in 2008 and 17 in 2015. Xenophobia is an embarrassment
to the new South African Government, which is considered the leader of African unity,
democracy, good governance and development by some governments in the world. South
African and African political leaders have remained indifferent and they have not as yet
developed and implemented policies and strategies to address the massacre of Africans in
their own continent, hampering prospects of realising the promise of the New
Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). This article emphasises a public
administration perspective on managing and preventing xenophobia through national
and pan-African policies and strategies. It uses migration theory to review South Africa’s
migration and anti-xenophobia policies and strategies. Through literature review and
interviews with the NEPAD Agency, the silence of the continental initiative on
xenophobia was confirmed, prompting the need to review the European Union (EU)
best practice. The article acknowledges the importance of existing anti-xenophobia
strategies in South Africa and advocates for their revival. It also proposes the
development of a pan-African framework and structure to deal with racism and
xenophobia at the NEPAD continental level.