Roeping en stryd in die kerklike bediening van H.Ph.J. Pasch en G.B.S. Pasch
This study aims to focus on the importance of vocation in the ministry of two extraordinary reformed ministers of the GKSA. The two protagonists that were researched in this study are Reverend Hendrikus Philippus Josef (H.Ph.J. Pasch 1865-1936) and his son, Reverend Gerhardus Barthlomeus Schutteus Pasch (G.B.S. Pasch 1916-1960; also known as Rabbo Pasch). Both had lived a life of struggle against the calling before answering to the vocation of becoming a minister. The essence of being truly called is the continuous incentive to the motive to being truly called and living this calling as ministers. The exceptional circumstances and challenges that were unusual in their lives are highlighted. These challenges often resulted in intense conflict to stay true to their calling is unequalled. The weakness of men and the broken human existence, as well as the harshness of human relations, even between people within the church, are pointed out. This study has shown that calling has to be the main motive and driving force in the ministry of a pastor for lifelong perseverance in this specific calling with its struggles and challenges.
- Theology [793]