An Impact Analysis of Construction Sector on Economic Growth and Household Income in South Africa
Application of Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) in the study has enabled the insightful
analysis of the relationship between construction industry, economic growth and
household income in South Africa. Construction sector plays a key role in the
economy as it results in infrastructure stock/capital accumulation which leads to
increased economic social and economic activities.
Construction industry further contributes to employment, household income and
economic growth. Activities in this sector shows that increased productivity in the
construction industry will result in increased economic growth. Further increase or
activities in this industry will absorb more of semi-skilled and unskilled labours more
compared to highly skilled labourer within the sector.
High income household will benefit more from construction industry activities
followed by medium income households with low income households benefitting
less. Clearly, highly skilled labourers are occupants of high income households and
the study therefore shows that though few labours is absorbed from high skilled
labour market, they benefit more in terms of income.
However, noting the impact construction industry is able to make in the economy,
further investment in infrastructure is encouraged as it results in more construction
activities which have both the short to long term economic benefits to the country.