Prediker en preekgesindheid : 'n prakties-teologiese studie in die lig van die pastorale briewe
The subject of this study is the preacher and his preaching attitude according to the Pastoral Epistles. The following aspects are addressed:
• Basistheoretical perspectives on preacher and preaching attitude • Meta-theoretical perspectives on preacher and preaching attitude. • Practice-theoretical perspectives on preacher and preaching atitude. It is attempted to achieve the intended goal by investigating Word preaching concepts from the Pastoral Letters to which six attitudes are attached. The attitudes are divided in three groups: • Attitudes concerning the earnestness and zeal of preaching. • Attitudes concerning the content of preaching. • Attitudes concerning the manner and method of preaching. The attitudes named above are: Preaching in a non-overwhelming attitude, preaching in a
attitude of honesty and virtuousness, preaching in an attitude of patience, preaching in sound doctrine, preaching with full authority and preaching in the attitude of faith and truth. Four concepts that are connected directly to the preacher are indicated: preacher, apostle, teacher and evangelist. Four metaphors are indicated: manager, soldier, athlete and farmer which in tum emphasize three attitudes: irreproachability, self-denial as well as an attitude of willingness. Per definition preaching attitude deals with a given way of thinking, feeling and a way of behaviour and proceeding in the action of preaching. The attitude of the preacher is emphasized by certain indicated qualities affecting the preacher's person, character and performance. The correct preaching attitude is cultivated and developed in a continuous relationship with God. Spirituality as religious orientation of the preacher gives direction to the practice of attitude. Meta-theoreretical perspectives from the science of behaviourism are exploited. From the Social Psychology as well as Communication Science the forming of attitudes, the influence of attitudes upon behaviour, as well as the changing of attitudes are discussed. It is indicated that people influence each other. It is therefore essential that preachers ascertain their own preaching attitude by means of continuous self- examination. Practice-theoretical perspectives as the outcome of the hermeneutical interaction between the exploited basictheoretical and metatheoretical perspectives are presented. Along with this, concretizing perspectives are aimed at the preacher's attitude, the preparation of sermons (prayer, exegesis and hermeneusis ), the presentation of sermons, the discussion of
the sermon as well as critisism on sermons and their presentation are indicated.
The aim of the study is to identify preacher and preaching attitude in the light of the Pastoral Letters in order to establish perspectives aimed at the praxis.
- Theology [793]