Youth participation in cooperatives in the central district of the North-West Province : a cooperaiove model and its impact on performance of SMME's in the central district of NW
This study examines the significance of Co-operatives as a model to unlock the
potential of youth to create jobs and harness entrepreneurship. The study highlights
some of the challenges characterizing the present model of Co-operatives in South
Africa as defined in the Co-operatives Act 14 of 2005. The research identifies
challenges and offers possible solutions to the current problems. The research method
was quantitative and the general design of the study is analytical, as the researcher
analysed the data collected from the respondents. The tool used in the collection of
data, was a questionnaire. The population that was targeted was from Co-operatives,
SMMEs, officials from SEDA and the North West Department of Economic
Development. The study reveals that majority of the respondents agree that that the
most single challenge is financial and technical support to the Co-operatives.