Management of stress among High School Teachers in Modiri Mokema District in the North West Province
The purpose of this study was to alert the Department of Education, senior managers, principals,
teachers, SGBs, clergymen, medical staff and the community at large that the fraternity of
education is disintegrating because of the work-related issues that result in occupational stress
among high school teachers around Ngaka Modiri Molema District. As a researcher, the main
objective was to ensure that all stakeholders, especially teachers and principals, have knowledge
about occupational s tress and are aware that occupational stress can cause the collapse of
effective and efficient teaching and learning.
Teachers were given questionnaire to find out how much they know about the impact of
occupational stress in their lives. Principals were also given questionnaire to complete to realise
how (e g. reduce high volume workload, appoint teachers tn vacant substantive posts) they
should accommodate and assist teachers to overcome stress related ailments.
A total of 258 teachers and 64 principals from 64 of the high schools in Ngaka Modiri Molema
District were given questionnaire to complete. Many of the questionnaires were returned since
the questionnaire session occurred during the teaching and learning periods and therefore it was
easy to collect.
The results of the research indicate that teachers need to identify stressors at work and engage
with their principals and EAP officials for remedies. Teachers need to be empowered regarding
stressors, prevention and management from E/\ P officials, psychologists and from reading
various materials like books, magazines etc. Pnncipals and EAP officials must interact
constantly with their teachers by conducting workshops and doing roadshows for advocacy