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dc.contributor.authorVan Helden, Sophia (Phia)
dc.identifier.citationVan Helden, S. 2013. Verskuiwende denke van die 2012–GKSA–Sinode. In die Skriflig. 47(1):1-16. []en_US
dc.identifier.issn2305-0853 (Online)
dc.description.abstractOPSOMING: In hierdie artikel word die moontlikheid van ’n denkverskuiwing bespreek en gemeet aan die hand van navorsing wat gedoen is onder die afgevaardigdes van die 2012-GKSA-Sinode. Die agtergrond rondom denkverandering word bespreek, waarna die bevindings van die empiriese studie oor die stand van denke aan die hand van drie aktuele stellings aangetoon word. Die stellings spruit voort uit die verskynsel van dalende lidmaatgetalle binne gemeentes. Navorsing wat tydens die Sinode aan die hand van ’n vraelys plaasgevind het, het gefokus op die mate van bewussyn by die afgevaardigdes in verband met die krisissituasie wat gereformeerde gemeentes ervaar ten opsigte van dalende lidmaatgetalle. Daarna is die moontlikheid van verskuiwende denke terug na die eise van die Groot Opdrag ondersoek. Indien verskuiwende denke wel voorkom, is ten slotte nagegaan of die totale Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking, ongeag taal of kultuur, as teikengroep gereken kan word. Die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe benadering verskaf insiggewende statistiek, asook insae in verband met die denkverskuiwing en die sleutelposisie van die Groot Opdrag in die verskynsel van dalende lidmaatgetalle in gemeentes. ABSTRACT: Shifting thinking of the 2012 GKSA Synod. This article discusses the possibility of shifting thought and measuring it on the basis of research conducted among the 2012 RCSA Synod delegates. Background regarding the change in thought is discussed and followed up by the findings of an emperical study about the state of thinking, using three relevant statements. These statements stem from the phenomenon of declining numbers in congregations. The research is conducted at the Synod by means of a questionnaire, focused on the degree of awareness among the delegates regarding the declining numbers of members as a crisis situation in the reformed churches. Thereafter the possibility of a turnaround in thinking towards the demands of the Great Commission was addressed. The last statement focused on whether the entire South African population, regardless of language and culture, would be regarded as the target group in case a changing in thought exists. The qualitative and quantitative approach provide informative statistics, as well as insight regarding the shifting in thought and the key position the Great Commission takes in the phenomenon of declining numbers of members in congregations.en_US
dc.titleVerskuiwende denke van die 2012–GKSA–Sinodeen_US
dc.contributor.researchID11393335 - Van Helden, Sophia

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