An exegetical study of Malachi 3:6-12 with special reference to tithing
This research maintains that tithing is a biblical principle, which God instructed
man to fulfil and that it has to be executed with joy and gratitude. Many
ancient cultures practiced tithing. It was based, as far as the Old Testament is
concerned, mainly on theological perspectives rather than political,
humanitarian or economic motives, although it might be difficult to separate
the theological perspectives from the other perspectives.
The principles regarding sacrifices and tithes were intended to encourage
inward and outward actions (Lev 27:33). Israel, by giving the tithe, solemnly
declares that they hand a portion back to the One who has made them
prosperous (Deut 26:l0-15). By giving the tithe they recognised and
acknowledged the right of the priests and Levites to receive support for their
spiritual service they performed on behalf of the people. Tithing was an
integral part of the social system that was established in the Mosaic laws. The
New Testament emphasises love as the basis for giving.
The early New Testament church existed in a different social context, and
thus the principle regarding tithing or giving was adapted to the new setting
and the new theological realities. Tithes were still given.
The study showed that the nation was obliged to tithe as a response to God's
demand of repentance. Tithe is rooted firmly in the healthy relationship
between a person and his God.
- Theology [793]