Reëling van die Gereformeerde predikant se diens – ’n arbeidsregtelike of ’n interne kerklike aangeleentheid?
In this article it is argued that Labour Law is not applicable on the relationship between a minister and a church council to the Reformed Churches in South Africa. The main focus of the argument is that Labour Law does not have the purpose to regulate a relationship based on an exegetic-dogmatically founded foundation. It is also argued that a minister in the Reformed Churches in South Africa cannot be considered an employee of the church council because of the calling he received from the Lord. The calling of a minister is the main indication that he is not an employee of the church council, but a servant of the Lord. Therefore it is also stated that the Church Order does not regulate the minister’s office on a contractual basis, but that the Church Order regulates the calling of a minister. Labour Law intents to regulate the labour aspect of a person’s life while the Church Order applies to a minister’s whole life.
- Faculty of Theology [980]