Browsing by Subject "Deontology"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Dogma en etos : die eenheid van die Bybelse leer en lewe as begronding vir die Christelike etiek in die moderne samelewingskonteks
(North-West University, 2005)Due to the fact that Scripture is the authoritative Word of God (Belgic Confession. Article 5), the infallible written Word of God. is and stays the basis for Christian ethics. Scripture is not just another single source ... -
Die opskorting van pasiëntvertroulikheid in Aptekerswese : 'n etiese analise
(North-West University, 2012)The handling of patient confidentiality in the medical, and more specifically as dealt with in this article, the pharmaceutical profession, is accepted as a given. Confidentiality cannot, however, always be guaranteed. The ... -
Politics without morality and accountability: the Nkandla case from a deontological perspective
(2017)The Nkandla controversy has long dominated South African politics and has seemingly been endless. This article revisits the Nkandla issue from the perspective that it fails the Kantian categorical imperative (i.e. CI) and ... -
The Virtues of Men : an exploration of virtue ethics and its application to masculinity
(North-West University (South Africa), 2022)The modern era has been an era of progress and innovation. It has also been an era of rapid change where old ideas and traditions were substituted for new and modern trends. While the consequences of these changes have ...