Browsing by Subject "Academic achievement"
Now showing items 1-10 of 31
Am I in the right place? Academic engagement and study success during the first years at university
(Elsevier, 2016)Entrance to university does not automatically lead to high academic engagement and success, and there may be individual differences in student engagement. In the present study, university students' (N = 668) academic ... -
Ameliorating chartered accountants' training at a South African university : interventions for reform
(2014)The profession of chartered accountancy (CA) is critical to the economic, social and cultural development of South Africa. It has the potential to play a broader leadership role in the development of the financial skills ... -
An analysis of the relationship between communication skills, communication apprehension and academic achievement of secondary phase learners
(2015)This study indicates that communication skills and communication apprehension of English First Additional Language (EFAL) learners are important aspects in teaching and learning, as well as for academic performance. A ... -
Bydraende onderrig-leerfaktore tot studenteslytasie in VOO-kolleges
(North-West University (South Africa) , Potchefstroom Campus, 2016)In Suid-Afrika word Hoër Onderwys deur diverse aspekte beïnvloed en beheer. Die toename in studentegetalle as gevolg van sosiale, politieke, demografiese sowel as ekonomiese veranderinge plaas druk op Hoër Onderwys om ʼn ... -
Die invloed van geslag, ras en sosio-ekonomiese status op visueel-motoriese integrasie van nege- tot 10-jarige leerders: die NW-CHILD studie
(Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2017)Visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination skills have strong relationships with academic development and are considered to be some of the basic building blocks for optimal academic success. Pienaar ... -
Die rol van geselekteerde motiveringsfaktore en leerstrategieë by akademiese prestasie van Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe- (EBW-) onderwysstudente
(LitNet, 2016)The low throughput rates that occur especially at South African universities are an alarming phenomenon that has a negative impact on the country's economic growth and social development. Several factors, such as the ... -
Die verband tussen ontwikkelingskoördinasieversteuring, akademiese prestasie en visueel-motoriese-integrasie by leerders : die NW-CHILD studie
(2015)Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) exhibit deficits in acquiring and performing motor skills, which lead to poor and uncoordinated implementation of everyday tasks and poor academic performance. Several ... -
Digital versatile disc as an information and communication technology variant to support geography teaching and learning
(North-West University, 2007)The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as supportive tool in teaching and learning within the framework of the radical change that Outcomes Based Education (OBE) has created, pervades and ... -
The effect of literacy levels on parental involvement in selected primary schools in the Qwa Qwa region
(North-West University, 2011)Parents are considered to be important and indispensable stakeholders in education. Research shows that parental involvement in the education of their children is a crucial matter as it contributes directly to the learners’ ... -
Effects of single–parenthood on school–going adolescents in Gaborone District of Botswana
(2005)The study was aimed at investigating the effects of single parenthood on school going adolescents on a group of male and female children schooling in Gaborone District of Botswana. The research questions focused on ...