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dc.contributor.authorDe Meillon, Francois
dc.identifier.citationDe Meillon, F. 1992. Industrialisasie, verstedeliking en gesondheid: die gesondheid van swartes in Brakpan 1919 - 1945. Contree : Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike streekgeskiedenis = Contree : Journal for South African urban and regional history. 32:9-15, Nov. []en_US
dc.description.abstract• Opsomming: Sedert die verkryging van munisipale status in 1919 het die toenemende bevolkingsgetalle in Brakpan groot druk op die dorp se gesondheidsdepartement geplaas om alle aspekte van gesondheid na behore te beheer. Binne die raamwerk van die destydse gesondheidswetgewing en blanke sieninge van swart onderhorigheid het die gesondheidsdienste wat aan swartes in Brakpan gelewer is, groot gebreke gehad. Nie alleen was hulle uitgesluit uit die formele gesondheidstrukture nie, maar die mediese dienste en gesondheidsfasiliteite vir die swartes was van 'n laer gehalte as die van die blankes. Swartes het in die tyd egter al hoe meer wegbeweeg van tradisionele swart gesondheidspraktyke namate hulle die voordele van westerse medisyne ervaar het.en_US
dc.description.abstract• Summary: From the town's attainment of municipal status in 1919, the Brakpan health department experienced serious difficulties in providing all aspects of proper health care due to the population growth. Within the context of the health legislation of that time and white conceptions of black inferiority, the health services offered to blacks in Brakpan had serious limitations. Blacks were excluded from formal health structures and the quality of both medical services and health facilities for blacks was distinctly lower than those for whites. However over this period blacks gradually moved away from their traditional health practices as they began to experience the advantages of western medicine.
dc.publisherDepartement van Geskiedenis Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit / Department of History Rand Afrikaans Universityen_US
dc.titleIndustrialisasie, verstedeliking en gesondheid: die gesondheid van swartes in Brakpan 1919 - 1945.en_US

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