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dc.contributor.authorVan der Linde, Wilhelmina J.
dc.contributor.authorMienie, Lodewyk J.
dc.contributor.authorBergh, Jacobus J.
dc.contributor.authorVan der Walt, Mietha M.
dc.contributor.authorTerre'Blanche, Gisella
dc.identifier.citationVan der Linde, W.J. et al. 2018. Die identifisering van fenielbottersuur aromatiese metaboliete in die urien van die blou-aap. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie, 37(1). []en_US
dc.identifier.issn2222-4173 (Online)
dc.description.abstractPhenylbutyrate (PBA) is used as treatment of urea cycle disorders and as an alternative treatment option for adrenoleykodystrophy, has neuroprotective effects and provides protection against oxidative stress. Known metabolites of phenylbutyrate in humans and primates are phenylacetate and phenylacetylglutamine and in rats, phenylacetylglycine. Neither the metabolite(s) responsible for PBA toxicity nor the identification of missing metabolites is known. This study confirms and identifies known metabolites in the urine of the vervet monkey previously found in human and rats and report the identification of new aromatic metabolites. These new metabolites originate from monooxygenase, dihydroorotase and β-oxidation byproductsen_US
dc.description.abstractFenielbottersuur (PBA) word as ’n behandeling vir ureum sikliese defekte gebruik, as alternatiewe behandeling vir adrenoleukodistrofie en dit besit ook ’n neurobeskermende effek teen oksidatiewe stres. Bekende metaboliete van fenielbottersuur in die mens en primate is fenielasynsuur en fenielasetielglutamien, terwyl fenielasetielglisien by rotte voorkom. Tans is die metaboliet(e) wat vir fenielbottersuur se toksisiteit verantwoordelik is en die identiteit van ontbrekende metaboliete nog onbekend. Die huidige studie identifiseer en bevestig die teenwoordigheid van metaboliete, wat voorheen in beide die mens en rot se urine gevind is, in die urine van die blou-aap. Hierbenewens is aromatiese metaboliete, wat voorheen onbekend was, in die urine van die blou-aap geïdentifiseer. Hierdie nuwe metaboliete vind moontlik hul ontstaan via mono-oksigenase, dehidro-orotase en as β-oksidasie byprodukte.
dc.publisherSuid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
dc.titleDie identifisering van fenielbottersuur aromatiese metaboliete in die urien van die blou-aapen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe identification of aromatic metabolites of phenylbutyrate in the vervet monkey
dc.contributor.researchID10061533 - Mienie, Lodewyk Jacobus
dc.contributor.researchID10057072 - Bergh, Jacobus Johannes
dc.contributor.researchID13035134 - Van der Walt, Mietha Magdalena
dc.contributor.researchID10206280 - Terre'Blanche, Gisella

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